Important game wide announcements including in-game events and community updates
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Non-Player Character
Posts: 12
Joined: Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:07 am
Trinkets: 0
Player Name: Creature

Dungeon Diving Event Information

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The bulletin board in the center of the town square is popular this morning, a new notice has been posted that contains the assigned groups and some information:

Rokuro Saigo

Faeyana and Yenbeck Nicks
Yehla Damasquine

Please meet in the Dungeon Plaza promptly at 0900, please give your name and party name to "JAIDE COHEN" who will distribute supplies to fully formed parties. By 0930 any no-shows will be written off and party members in attendance will be given gear if they still wish to enter the dungeon.

PLEASE NOTE: Island residents are under strict guidelines of inclusivity as the King has decreed that people of all races, human or demi-human, are welcome here.

Out of character information:
Your characters will be meeting in the Dungeon Plaza. When you reply out of character DOES NOT correlate to the time in character! Even if you take a few days to reply your character can 100% make it to the Plaza before 0930.

After your characters have gathered and introduced themselves you should gather supplies from “Jaide Cohen” the NPC and proceed to the First Floor of the dungeon. It’s recommended that your thread in the Plaza be no more than 12-15 posts long.—the goal is to get your characters into the dungeon and exploring! Please post any finished threads in the Trinket Exchange (which will net everyone a trinket! Fantastic!)

For reference, the supply pack (which is a backpack) includes:
7 days of rations
5 small torches
1 tinderbox
1 waterskin
1 (rather uncomfortable) bedroll
5 sheets of parchment
1 pencil
20 feet of rope strapped to the side of the backpack
1 return teleportation scroll for anyone who has registered themselves as a magic user with the Registration office. This scroll is keyed to separate rooms in a local inn for each group.

Feel free to have your characters bring their own supplies and it's highly encouraged that you mention the other items your character is bringing into the dungeon in your Plaza thread.

Jaide Cohen:
This individual works for the Registration Office and reports to the Island Overseer. They are a tall-man of average build and they look to be around 30. They have brown eyes and long brown hair that is pulled into a bun. They are wearing a green shirt and brown pants. They are standing in middle of the Dungeon Plaza surrounded by adventuring backpacks and next to a sign that says “EVENT PARTICIPANTS INQUIRE HERE.”

If you have ANY questions, please feel free to let Creature know!

As a reminder, you must complete one thread on each previous floor to post in/start a thread below that one.

Q: Do I have to stop posting in my other threads?
A: Nope! You can have your character in multiple threads at a time. Players are expected to have a rough mental timeline of what happens to their characters on the Island, but there is no hard rule to track this. Some players may choose to track this timeline in their character sheet but there is no requirement to do so.

Q: Who should start the thread?
A: Anyone can start the thread and whoever feels inspired should do so. Please use the [CLOSED] topic prefix when creating your threads for this event! If you start to write the thread you’re encouraged to ping your other party members out of character and let them know you’re starting it. If after a few days your group would prefer me to randomly assign someone to start your thread please let me know!

Q: How do you know who posts next?
A: Whoever wants to post next should do so! Once again it’s good to communicate with your party out of character regarding this. If after a few days your group would prefer me to randomly assign someone to make the second post please let me know!

Q: Once everyone has posted in the thread how do we know who posts next then?
A: The typical posting order is established after everyone has entered into a thread and is based on the first post of each character. There are exceptions to this, especially if you communicate out of character to skip your turn to the other people in your thread. Keeping to a post order makes sure everyone gets a turn to reply and also keeps things simpler.

For example, a “typical” thread posting order would be as follows:
Moe (A) starts the thread.
Larry (B) posts a reply
Curly (C) posts a reply
Moe (A) posts a reply
Larry (B) posts reply
Curly (C) posts a reply
Moe (A) posts a reply
And so on.

Q: We are descending floors. Who should post the new thread?
Discussing out of character is always a great idea, but following post order can also be helpful here! A possible example:
Larry (B): Has found the way down!
Curly (C) posts he is descending
Moe (A) posts he is descending
Larry (B) posts he is also descending
Curly (C) starts the New Thread.
Moe (A) posts in the new thread.
And so on.

Q: How does combat work? Also, how does any of this work in the dungeon?
A: Each floor of the dungeon has an Environment & Monster Guide. A character is free to “spawn in” monsters as they see narratively fit. The same person who spawns in the monster probably shouldn’t kill it, and if you spawned in a monster or a trap you might want to give your fellow players a chance to pick out the next one. Roleplaying is a group creative writing experience—having your characters set something up and giving the other players a chance to respond to that is part of the fun!

An example of an encounter:
Post 1: Moe spies a locked door in a room full of crates with a door at the end of it. “Hang on, give me a second to unlock it.” Moe begins to investigate and pick the lock. He swears he can hear something else chattering in the room, but he’s focused on the lock.
Post 2: Larry turns around. “A mimic!” He tries his best to hit it with a sword, but the hit doesn’t land.
Post 3: Curly: “I got it!” Curly begins to pummel it with his fists.
Post 4: Moe unlocks the door. “Get through you fools!” He leaves the other two.
Post 5: Larry is suddenly pinned by the mimic, he is trying his best to escape
Post 6: Curly is trying to fight the mimic. He yells for Moe to come back.
Post 7: Moe comes back and he is now wrestling with the mimic too.
Post 8: Larry is yelling, screaming, trying to break free. He gets a great kick in!
Post 9: Curly lands the killing blow, starts wondering out loud if any part of the mimic is edible.
Post 10: Moe slaps Curly on the head and tells him to shut up and for the other two to hurry up through the door.
Post 11: Larry makes a comment about how he’s glad he wasn’t the slap receiver, laughs, and moves through the door.
Post 12: Curly makes a frustrated noise, but also moves through the unlocked door.

Please keep in mind the rules regarding godmodding, powerplaying, and metagaming. Please message Creature out of character if you are having difficulties in a thread and I will review the thread in progress.

Q: When do I know when to finish a thread?
A: Whenever it is narratively satisfying – when someone gets the inkling that the thread has “run its course,” you’re more than welcome to post your character finding a way down to the next level. If someone else in the thread wants to explore more on that floor your character should do so, but more importantly they should discuss out of character. Feel free to make a discord DM of your party member to discuss things fully!

Q: What if my character wants to go back but no one else does?
A: This is a sticky situation that could cause some great character conflict and potential discussions and growth amongst your characters! I’d recommend you talk it out both in-character and out of character.

Q: What if I have more questions???
Please feel free to post in this thread, send me a private message, or send me a discord message.


Most importantly: HAVE FUN!! And thank you for participating in this first North Sea Dungeon event!!
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