Pickpen Roys
95 cm (3’1’’)
Pickpen has darker skin that’s ashy, betraying he doesn’t go onto the surface much, if at all. He has slightly curly, dark brown hair with a noticeable reddish undertone. His eyes are bright yellow, looking more like a monster or an animal’s, than a human’s. There’s a beauty mark under his left eye. The left side of his face has the most scarring, with a notch out of his ear, and scars over his eye, cheek, and vicious looking ones on his neck. Part of his left eyebrow is also notched from whatever wound he sustained to get the scars. He always has bandages on his chest. Could they be related to the injury he got to earn his scars?
As for his clothes, he wears a belt with a large pouch for various supplies, with a strap that loops over his shoulder to carry things on his back. The cover of his spellbook, kept on his hip, looks distinctly Elvish in origin. All of his clothes are ill-fitting, ripped, and patchwork, regardless of what he wears. He can never be found wearing shoes.

Pickpen keeps himself as a double sided coin, two-faced in nearly every interaction he has. The one the majority of people will see smiles brightly and tells you exactly what you’d like to hear. He’s friendly and talkative, but will never stay long enough for you to learn his name or let you think you two are friends. The moment you buy one of his maps, he’s gone until you need another one.
Who he is when he’s on his own is incredibly disdainful and distrustful of others. If he believes he can’t get something from a person, they are useless, not worth his time, and he will not bother with them. Pickpen is extremely perceptive, remembering the faces of adventurers, or more importantly, their things. Everyone is a tool to be used, and if he can’t figure out how to use that tool, they will never see him if they can’t find him.
That being said, there has to be a person that isn’t like this somewhere deep inside, right?
Skilled in manufacturing anything he can’t steal by hand. He’s surprisingly particular about his supplies when it comes to his magic and his hobbies. The pages in his spellbook and the inks and paints he uses are all handcrafted with materials from the dungeon!
Apart from being a light bodied half-foot, Pick can accentuate his natural abilities with the illusion magic he specializes in. To most people, he becomes completely silent, or nearly invisible. He’s so confident in it, that he neglects to carry a weapon around.
He developed his hobby of art and familiarity with the dungeon into a way to allow him to rob adventurers more easily. The maps that adventurers use are often cluttered, hard to read, and inaccurate. Pickpen believed he could make them better, and that’s exactly what he did. Just don’t bring any of his maps up to the surface, or you’ll have to buy another.
Pickpen is the strange prototype for a spell to permanently augment magic and mana in one’s body. He was made by an elven outlaw from the Northern Central Continent with the use of black magic, who used a short lived race to only see if their theory would work. Pickpen’s father managed to escape with him in tow because of the elf’s arrogance, believing half-foots incapable of standing up to them. Pickpen’s father decided to hide both of them away in the dungeon, where they would never be found, not by the elven outlaw, or by the Western elves come to erase all of the outlaw’s work.
His father hoped and prayed that his son wouldn’t be left marked permanently by the elven outlaw’s experiments, but it was clear from Pickpen’s unnatural eyes that this wasn’t the case. Despite half-foots not being known for their magical ability, Pickpen surpassed every one of his father’s worst expectations. The outlaw’s experiment worked… For the most part. Pickpen’s half-foot body was never meant to handle the amount of magic he’s capable of flowing out of him. It takes a serious toll on his health. Even with Pickpen being able to use magic, the dungeon’s dangers eventually claimed the life of his father and left him mortally wounded. Against all odds he managed to recover, but without the help of his father, Pickpen was forced to interact with adventurers for help. Namely, by stealing from them.
By using illusion magic to cloak himself and make him more stealthy, Pickpen robbed adventurers blind in their sleep. It quickly changed from taking mere necessities, to anything that caught his interest. Adventurers were from the world on the surface, and even though he couldn’t join them, he wanted to learn. He began hoarding, a blanket of security by having extra supplies turning into obsession. As he grew older, Pickpen decided to use his skills to bring adventurers to him, rather than the other way around. Intimately familiar with the layout of the dungeon, he created maps to sell, laced with spells so he could track parties. Then when they camped, he would go to enjoy his pick of the bunch, stealing everything he wanted, and leaving without a trace.
At least, that was the case until recently...
Typical Role in Dungeon Parties:
Guide, Trap Detector, Mage/Healer in a pinch
Five Key Words About PICKPEN:
- 1 - Illusion Magic
The majority of magic users specialize in one or two types of magic. Illusion magic, in particular, is mostly used to make one thing look like something else. However, Pick’s mastery of it has transcended what most would consider to be the limits of illusion magic, allowing him to make himself look like nothing at all! Despite being magically gifted and having a larger mana pool to draw from, he is still a half-foot, and has to take care with his use of spells. He often ignores his body’s warning signs though, and it’s not uncommon to see him freely letting his nose bleed. He also infuses this magic within his maps to encode them with secrets, let him track their positions, and make them disintegrate when taken out of the dungeon. - 2 - Greed
Born from Pick’s fear of scarcity caused by his father’s death as a child in the dungeon, he hoards obsessively. While things may have started innocently, with wanting to be prepared in the case of any situation, it quickly started to spiral out of control. The unfamiliar things adventurers carried on them fascinated him to the point of where he absolutely needed to have them. Pick began to believe that everything in the dungeon, including the things taken inside, all belong to him, and that it’s his right to reclaim them. His greed is so severe that he gets anxious and twitchy when he hasn’t stolen anything for a while. Unfortunately, he often quickly becomes disinterested with the things he takes. There’s rooms where he’s stashed his stolen belongings, and to most people, everything there just looks like piles of junk. - 3 - The Dungeon
Having been too young to remember the surface, Pick is only familiar with the dungeon. He lives among the monsters in the unnatural, magic twisted corners of the floors as if he’s one of them. While he could leave through the graveyard, he chooses not to, more afraid of what might await him up there than anything in the dungeon. He believes that it’s no place for a person like him anyways. The dungeon is his home, and he’s not intent on leaving anytime soon. - 4 - Family
Pick never had any normalcy while being raised in the dungeon. As a result, he has no real grasp on what family really means. He never knew his mother, and his father was the only person he had. His father was a stern man, whose desperation to survive in the dungeon kept him from forming a normal, healthy connection with his son. Tough love is the best way to describe their relationship. As rough as things were, Pick still desperately misses his father, having never formed a connection with anyone else after he died. Though he’d never say it out loud, being in a party with Tista has made him begin to reconsider what a family might be.
- 5 - Art
Despite being wary of the surface, Pick is fascinated with the things that come from it. While material things are soothed by his theft, he often daydreams about what things might look like up there. During the time he’s not surviving, he enjoys painting what he thinks the world above the dungeon might look like, and the people and creatures that might inhabit it. Though most of what he draws is completely imagined, he knows it’s twisted from the dungeon he’s familiar with. Most importantly, he knows the sky is blue.