There is a bulletin board in the town square. Anyone can post notices, advertisements, or just general oddities here.
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[OPEN] Bulletin Board

Post by Jethen »

Jethen waited patiently until the town square was empty, then took the opportunity to hurry out to the bulletin board. The nail he'd hung his last notice with was still embedded in the wood, shreds of parchment clinging to it from the last notice being ripped down. Glancing briefly over his shoulder, he twisted the nail free, then placed his new parchment on the board before pushing the nail back through.
Have any of you met the shrimpy guy who goes by Todd?

He'll give ANYTHING to keep the truth from you. And that truth is:

HIS ACTUAL NAME IS TODDJOB. How humiliating! No wonder he keeps tearing these flyers down.
This one wouldn't last especially long either, but that was fine. Jethen had plenty of paper. He stood back to admire his handiwork, then made himself scarce before someone saw him.
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Re: [OPEN] Bulletin Board

Post by Cobalt »

Cobalt frowns as they look at the new notice hanging on the bulletin board. A shrimpy guy named Todd? As in, a guy who’s a shrimp? Or guy who's just pink, maybe? They read a bit further down. Apparently the shrimps full name is Toddjob….what a fun name! A shrimp named Toddjob who keeps tearing down flyers, surely in an attempt to conceal his identity….

Cobalt feels a sudden pang of righteous indignation. They know, too, what it’s like to leave your past behind, strip off the name you were saddled with only for it to come back to haunt you. Whoever made this flyer should be ashamed of themselves! Cobalt glances around, just in case someone is watching, then tears the flyer down, ripping it to shreds and stuffing the shreds in their bag. Justice has been done for the poor shrimp! Feeling vindicated, Cobalt steps away from the bulletin, and goes on their way to dispose of the flyer's remains.
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