Faeyana and Yenbeck Nicks
Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 4:12 am
Faeyana Nicks and Yenbeck Nicks
3’ 5” (104cm) The twins are, well, twins, and are identical. They have pale skin with a pinkish undertone and a smattering of freckles, and chest length wavy dark red hair with light greenish grey eyes. They go to extreme lengths to make sure they look identical, including dressing and doing their hair the same, as well as wearing the same jewelry. While in the dungeon, they can usually be found in loose comfortable pants, tall boots and light leather armor. When not working, Fae prefers to dress more extravagantly, and since Yen has less of a preference when it comes to clothing, he always lets her decide their outfits.
(i will have a more finished reference soon i swear)

By nature both twins are deceptive and untrusting. They care about each other first and foremost, and not so much others. friendly and outgoing though, they are both very skilled at making it seem like they are sharing things about themselves, while not actually telling you anything. Additionally, their priority when it comes to other people is how entertained by you they are. Boredom is not an option, and as soon as something - or someone - gets old to them, they drop it. As a result, they party-hopped a lot, not caring about how it might affect their reputations as dungeon delvers. Of course this also means that the discovery of the north sea dungeon drew their attention as something new and exciting for them to look into.
Contrastingly from their looks, there are small noticeable differences in personality between the two. Overall, Fae tends to be more laid back in nature and is more easily entertained than Yen. Though she’s picky about her clothes and appearance in general, she’s less particular about other things, and tends to let Yen take the lead on much of their lives. Yen on the other hand, can be a bit more tightly wound, and is quicker to anger, though it’s still rare. He’s also the more protective of the two, though they are both incredibly over-protective of each other.
They love jokes and pranks, and their favorite thing to do is confuse people about which twin is which. Both being trans, instead of choosing new names, they simply switched the names they were given and decided that felt right. Though, this mostly only matters to them, as they will often purposefully refer to each other as the wrong name, or answer to each other’s name when called, in order to further confusion about who’s who. Very few people have ever successfully been able to tell the two apart with any regularity, and while they deeply enjoy the confusion, something that will make them start to feel close to someone, is the ability to do so, because it means you’ve been around them long enough, and have been paying close enough attention to them to pick up on minor things about them.
If someone manages to worm their way into the twins heart enough for them to consider you family, they will latch on and never let go and they will protect you with their lives, just as they do for each other.
Lockpicking, disarming traps, con artistry
Shortly after the twins were born, their mother left them, leaving their father to raise the two on his own. He did his best, and loved them deeply, but was not the most natural parent. Still, the twins adored him, and so when he fell ill and died when the twins were just 6, leaving them alone, they were devastated. On their own, and just barely old enough to be somewhat independent, they initially sought to look for their mother in hopes of having a family again, but their father has been far from well off, with no extended family, and had little means to search for her. After a little over a year turned up no results or leads, they decided to stop looking, agreeing that they were better off without her anyway. After all, she left - she never wanted them in the first place. From then on all, they had was each other, and the never sought to need or want anyone else. They learned to fend for themselves, whether through whatever small jobs they could get, or through stealing or conning their way into food and shelter. They picked up many skills during this time, until they started joining dungeon delving parties as picklocks at age 12. A few not so savory parties early on quickly taught them the type of people to avoid when finding a party, as well as the specifics of how to look out for each other in a dungeon. They also learned how to navigate a dungeon more effectively and guide parties through safer or lesser known paths.
Obviously, most parties have no use for two picklocks, so they often lie about which twin knows how to do what, usually stating one as your typical picklock and the other as a guide, though they both share the same skills. Additionally, for more incentive for a party to take on both of them, they’re prepared to bring their own rations so there’s not an extra mouth to feed, as well as accepting the pay of just one person, that they split between the two of them. It’s a small price for them to pay to ensure that they are never separated, and never risk losing their only family again.
They came to the North Sea Dungeon shortly after it’s discovery, quickly finding a few different parties who would take them on, learning the ins and outs of the dungeon as fast as possibly in order to make themselves more marketable.
Typical Role in Dungeon Parties:
Picklock, guide.
Faeyana Nicks and Yenbeck Nicks
3’ 5” (104cm) The twins are, well, twins, and are identical. They have pale skin with a pinkish undertone and a smattering of freckles, and chest length wavy dark red hair with light greenish grey eyes. They go to extreme lengths to make sure they look identical, including dressing and doing their hair the same, as well as wearing the same jewelry. While in the dungeon, they can usually be found in loose comfortable pants, tall boots and light leather armor. When not working, Fae prefers to dress more extravagantly, and since Yen has less of a preference when it comes to clothing, he always lets her decide their outfits.
(i will have a more finished reference soon i swear)

By nature both twins are deceptive and untrusting. They care about each other first and foremost, and not so much others. friendly and outgoing though, they are both very skilled at making it seem like they are sharing things about themselves, while not actually telling you anything. Additionally, their priority when it comes to other people is how entertained by you they are. Boredom is not an option, and as soon as something - or someone - gets old to them, they drop it. As a result, they party-hopped a lot, not caring about how it might affect their reputations as dungeon delvers. Of course this also means that the discovery of the north sea dungeon drew their attention as something new and exciting for them to look into.
Contrastingly from their looks, there are small noticeable differences in personality between the two. Overall, Fae tends to be more laid back in nature and is more easily entertained than Yen. Though she’s picky about her clothes and appearance in general, she’s less particular about other things, and tends to let Yen take the lead on much of their lives. Yen on the other hand, can be a bit more tightly wound, and is quicker to anger, though it’s still rare. He’s also the more protective of the two, though they are both incredibly over-protective of each other.
They love jokes and pranks, and their favorite thing to do is confuse people about which twin is which. Both being trans, instead of choosing new names, they simply switched the names they were given and decided that felt right. Though, this mostly only matters to them, as they will often purposefully refer to each other as the wrong name, or answer to each other’s name when called, in order to further confusion about who’s who. Very few people have ever successfully been able to tell the two apart with any regularity, and while they deeply enjoy the confusion, something that will make them start to feel close to someone, is the ability to do so, because it means you’ve been around them long enough, and have been paying close enough attention to them to pick up on minor things about them.
If someone manages to worm their way into the twins heart enough for them to consider you family, they will latch on and never let go and they will protect you with their lives, just as they do for each other.
Lockpicking, disarming traps, con artistry
Shortly after the twins were born, their mother left them, leaving their father to raise the two on his own. He did his best, and loved them deeply, but was not the most natural parent. Still, the twins adored him, and so when he fell ill and died when the twins were just 6, leaving them alone, they were devastated. On their own, and just barely old enough to be somewhat independent, they initially sought to look for their mother in hopes of having a family again, but their father has been far from well off, with no extended family, and had little means to search for her. After a little over a year turned up no results or leads, they decided to stop looking, agreeing that they were better off without her anyway. After all, she left - she never wanted them in the first place. From then on all, they had was each other, and the never sought to need or want anyone else. They learned to fend for themselves, whether through whatever small jobs they could get, or through stealing or conning their way into food and shelter. They picked up many skills during this time, until they started joining dungeon delving parties as picklocks at age 12. A few not so savory parties early on quickly taught them the type of people to avoid when finding a party, as well as the specifics of how to look out for each other in a dungeon. They also learned how to navigate a dungeon more effectively and guide parties through safer or lesser known paths.
Obviously, most parties have no use for two picklocks, so they often lie about which twin knows how to do what, usually stating one as your typical picklock and the other as a guide, though they both share the same skills. Additionally, for more incentive for a party to take on both of them, they’re prepared to bring their own rations so there’s not an extra mouth to feed, as well as accepting the pay of just one person, that they split between the two of them. It’s a small price for them to pay to ensure that they are never separated, and never risk losing their only family again.
They came to the North Sea Dungeon shortly after it’s discovery, quickly finding a few different parties who would take them on, learning the ins and outs of the dungeon as fast as possibly in order to make themselves more marketable.
Typical Role in Dungeon Parties:
Picklock, guide.