Your character's personality, history, and skill set are yours to create as long as they fit reasonably in the setting and premise. To create a character, please fill out the template and make a new thread in this forum to be reviewed.
There are two basic rules you must follow when making a character:
- Your character cannot be related to any canon character, familial or otherwise.
- Your character cannot be all-powerful, a god, a king, etc.
You can choose to have your character be a new arrival or have been on the Island for a bit of time, but it's advised to make your first character someone who is new to the Island. As a small note, your character can be prejudiced towards other races, but know that the Island rules are explicitly inclusive of demi-humans and humans and your character will be judged accordingly.
Have an idea for a character but you're not sure how to work it into the setting? Have any questions? Please reach out to Creature.
Code: Select all
[u][b]Name:[/b] [/u]
[u][b]Typical Role in Dungeon Parties:[/b][/u]
[u][b]Five Key Words About [NAME]:[/b][/u]
[list=][*][b]Word-1-optional section[/b]
[*][b]Word-2-optional section[/b]
[*][b]Word-3-optional section[/b]
[*][b]Word-4-optional section[/b]
[*][b]Word-5-optional section[/b]
Further explanations:
Name: Your character's name, or what they go by. This should also be your account username. You can change your account username in the User Control Panel > Profile > Edit account settings
Race: Please view the Character Races Supplemental Material Page for race write-ups. Half races are fine!
Age: Please view the Character Races Supplemental Material Page for more information.
Appearance: Describe what your character looks like - you're encouraged to use a visual representation here as well. Websites such as picrew can be helpful for this. Upload your image to a website like and use the following code to display it
Code: Select all
Personality: Describe how your character acts and how they think. Try to include what motivates your character in this section. At least a paragraph is recommended, feel free to write more.
Skills: What is your character good at? Are they a Try to include what their typical role in dungeon parties is in this section as well.
Background: What happened to your character to get them to this point? At least a paragraph is recommended, feel free to write more.
Typical Role in Dungeon Parties: Try to keep this as concise as possible, e.g.: Fighter, mage, lock pick, etc.
Five Key Words About [NAME]: THIS SECTION IS OPTIONAL. Write five key words/key phrases that describe your character, this should be a quick summary of your character. Include as much or as little detail as you wish here to explain after in unbolded text. Example from the Adventurers Bible